How to call Suriname
International phone number Suriname: +597
The international dialing code for Suriname is +597. You must enter this number if you are calling from another country.
International phone number: +597
00 - ISO code 2:
SR - ISO code 3:
- Capital city:
Paramaribo - Number of inhabitants:
492 829 - Area:
163 270,00km2
Continent: America (North, South)
Internet domain of country:: .sr
Dollar (SRD)
English (Caribbean)
Suriname - Telephone area codes
Each country area has its own local phone prefix. This phone prefix is added after IDD and international phone number. In case of local call (call just between areas not countries) you don't need to add IDD and international phone number.
If you are calling from other country than Suriname to the Paramaribo area, dial IDD of your country, then international phone number (country code) +597 , after that phone area code of +597 - 4 and call number.
Example: International call
+597 - 4 (Telephone number)
Example: International call
+597 - 4 (Telephone number)
If you are calling inside country Suriname , you don't need to dial IDD and international phone number (country code) of Paramaribo . Just dial phone area code of 4 and call number.
Example: Local call
0 4 (Telephone number)
Example: Local call
0 4 (Telephone number)
Suriname - areas
- Paramaribo+597 - 4
- Paramaribo+597 - 5